School FAQ’s

FAQs About Head Lice

Q: I just found out someone in my child’s class had lice. Does my family need to be treated?

Ans: Unless your child was head-to-head with the other child, there’s a very good chance your family is still lice-free! But to ease your mind, Lice Lifters offers Head Check in our Frisco Treatment Center.

Q: I’m afraid my child will be embarrassed if I notify the school they have head lice. Do you have any advice?

Ans: Due to strict HIPAA regulations, we cannot and will not give out any personally identifiable information to your child’s school. However, we’ll be glad to contact the school on your behalf, revealing only the fact that we’ve treated a child in a specific grade level for head lice. It’s not only the considerate thing to do, but it’s also vitally important to let the school know so they can take action to stop the lice cycle, so it doesn’t spread to others or return to your child.

Q: Does Lice Lifters work with adults, too?

Ans: Absolutely! It’s not uncommon for parents or other adults to be affected by head lice. Lice Lifters DFW treats clients of all ages.

Q: The school nurse said my child may have lice, but her head isn’t itchy. Should I still schedule her in for a head check?

Ans: Absolutely! Only about 50 percent of people with head lice experience itching, so it’s quite possible she does need to be treated. Lice Lifters can let you know for sure and treat the problem on the spot.

Q: How long do school lice outbreaks usually last?

Ans: School outbreaks usually take about three weeks. For students and their families, we recommend twice-weekly head checks at our Frisco Treatment Center until the outbreak has run its course.

Last updated on July 26, 2019 by Lice Lifters DFW