Often, the telltale sign that a child has contracted lice is vigorous head-scratching. It’s no wonder that infected kids itch like crazy – head lice bites can be very irritating to the scalp. Should you or your child experience this kind of discomfort, it’s a sign that head lice have taken up residence and multiplied, and it’s best to seek professional treatment immediately before the problem spreads or worsens.
But what if just one of your children is itchy, while the rest of the family seems fine? Or, your school has experienced a lice outbreak, but your children are showing no signs of scratching? While your first instinct may be to heave a sigh of relief that you’ve beat the odds, you’d be wise to proceed with caution.
The fact is that while many people do experience pronounced itchiness and discomfort when infected with lice, others seem relatively unbothered by the presence of these parasites. Some people’s skin is simply more sensitive to lice bites, just as skin irritants like mosquito bites or certain cosmetics can cause varying reactions in individuals.
What’s more, the life cycle of lice play into symptoms and their emergence. A louse has three life stages – egg, nymph, and adult. Once a female louse lays its eggs, or nits, it can take more than a week for them to hatch. The nymph is an immature insect that takes a week to reach adulthood. Once mature, an adult louse can live up to 30 days on a human head with regular feedings of blood – yuck!
All that said – and gross out factor aside – a child can be completely symptom-free for the first week or so of infection. It can be difficult for the untrained eye to even see tiny nits attached to the hair shaft. By the time itching starts, lice are firmly established and reproducing rapidly.
The earlier you can detect infection and start lice elimination treatment, the faster and more easily the issue can be remedied. If you’re facing risk factors such as an infected family member, friend, or classmate, don’t rely on scratching and itching for diagnosis. Carefully check the roots of your child’s hair for nits and lice, and if you’re uncertain give Lice Lifters DFW a call. A professional head check can give you the peace of mind you need, and if treatment is needed, our natural and nontoxic protocol is 100% safe for your family. At Lice Lifters DFW, we’re here to help – call 972-805-1308 or contact infodfw@licelifters.com.