Why Do Lice Seem to Be More Common in Recent Years?

If you are the parent of a young child, you might have noticed that in recent years head lice seem to be more prevalent. Well, that’s true, and unfortunately, it gets worse: they’re also getting harder to treat and permanently remove. Like many insects, there’s an increase in resilience over time that makes head lice more prevalent and problematic. We’re going to discuss why, and want all parents to remember that at Lice Lifters Treatment Center, we offer the most thorough lice and nit removal treatment with a one-time guarantee!

Child’s hair with head lice. Lice Lifters Treatment Centers.
Photo by PPK_studio for Shutterstock

Super Lice

The name “super lice” may sound like a silly name for this newer strain, but we promise that this kind of head lice is far from it. This classification redefines what these pests are: super lice are mutated lice that have become ultra-resistant to the strong pesticides found in chemical-based lice treatments. As of 2016, 48 states have been tested for super lice, Texas included. They are responsible for the discomfort of children and are unresponsive to treatments that were once surefire methods for removal.

Common Treatments Are Now Ineffective

Both over-the-counter and do-it-yourself methods for lice removal are no longer viable solutions to taking care of lice and nits thanks to super lice. Have you heard of people using mayonnaise to treat lice? How about petroleum jelly, or olive oil? These are some of the more common “DIY” methods, and all they will do nowadays is suffocate hatched, full-grown lice. They will not do anything about the nits, and when they hatch, you’ll be back at square one.

When it comes to over-the-counter chemical treatments, you’ll also want to avoid their heavy chemicals and pesticides. Children shouldn’t have these “treatments” anywhere near their sensitive scalps, especially since they will not work anyways.

Kids Are Closer

Little kids often like being affectionate; they love to hug each other and hold hands. Meanwhile, older kids like to share clothes and hair brushes with their friends. Actions like these allow pesky insects to hop from person to person. They lay eggs and multiply at a rapid rate, and treatment will need to happen as soon as possible. The best advice for parents, especially for their younger children, is to teach them about lice early on – this will make them more aware and hopefully take extra precaution at school!

Call Lice Lifters Treatment Center Now

At Lice Lifters Treatment Center, we have created the ultimate treatment that is non-toxic and guaranteed to work. We don’t believe in exposing anyone to anything dangerous like pesticides, especially young children. Remember: we treat people of all ages, not just kids! Contact us today by calling 972-805-1308. We now offer mobile services, so that you can be treated right in the comfort of your own home.

Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know
Mother checking her daughter’s hair for lice.
Photo by goodluz for Shutterstock

As parents, you want nothing more than protect your children from potential dangers. This means learning all about various threats they might encounter on a day-to-day basis.

If you have a young child in an early grade level, they are likely at a higher risk of obtaining head lice from a classmate or a school-wide infestation. Lice, while not dangerous, are some of the most frustrating, uncomfortable things to deal with.

That’s why it’s important for parents everywhere to know the symptoms that accompany lice, as well as how lice should be professionally treated.

Causes of Spreading

There are many ways that head lice can spread from person to person. It could be as quick as a hug, or an infestation could be aided when people share clothing, hair brushes, hats, pillows, or blankets.

Lice can spread and make a home for themselves in your children’s hair in short periods of time, putting the rest of your home at risk. If you have checked your child’s head and have found live lice and nits, put your hair up and alert the rest of your family members. Avoid sharing any of the aforementioned items above and notify your child’s teacher and school nurse ASAP. You can do so anonymously if you wish.


Although you might immediately associate itching with head lice, not every child will feel the urge to scratch when their scalp becomes infested. Many people automatically associate a ferociously itchy scalp with a case of head lice. The discomfort comes from a reaction of the skin from the biting that occurs from with full-grown lice.

Just because your child isn’t itching doesn’t mean they are in the clear. You should still check their heads routinely to be sure. Keep an eye out for any scabs on their heads from the biting. If they are experiencing itching or other physical discomforts, or if they seem tired and more irritable, they could not be sleeping well because of lice and need lice removal.

Treatment Complications

If you find that your child has lice, they need to seek professional treatment right away. Over-the-counter methods don’t work anymore, nor do you want them anywhere near your children’s heads. They are full of chemicals and pesticides that can cause chemical burns, and they might not even eradicate the lice for good.

In the state of Texas, there have been confirmed cases of a new strain of lice. “Super lice” have evolved and mutated to resist the components of over-the-counter treatments that are supposed to eliminate them. The same goes for do-it-yourself methods; mayonnaise is no longer the go-to trick! Things like that will only take care of the live lice, not the nits. If you don’t take care of the nits, you will wind up dealing with a recurring infestation.

Parents, we know that lice can be scary, especially if you have never dealt with them before. And we know you just want to protect your kids! That’s why you need to get them professional treatment for lice. To find more information, visit the website of Dallas-Fort Worth Lice Treatment Resource Center today.

Is Head Lice More Common Now Than Before?

The recent rise in head lice infestations occur for numerous reasons.
By PPK_studio at Shutterstock

Each year, there are millions of reported cases of head lice infestations. Still, there are even more that go unreported across the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between 6 and 12 million children are affected by head lice each year. Unfortunately, the number of reported cases rise each year. More children come home from school, summer camp, or a sleepover with head lice than ever before. There are a number of reasons for the rise in head lice infestations. We’ll dive into those now.

Factors Leading to Increased Head Lice Infestations

There are numerous factors that have led to an increase in head lice infestations over the years. Most recently, “super lice” have overrun schools and public places. There are other factors to consider, though.

  • Super Lice – Let’s begin with super lice. According to reports, 42 of 48 states have tested positive for super lice infestations. These extreme lice have mutated and evolved throughout the years to withstand chemicals and insecticides designed to kill head lice. It is harder to rid the scalp of super lice without proper procedures.
  • Ineffective Treatments – Unfortunately, many parents opt for a trip to the supermarket instead of calling for professional lice treatment. Any product you find on the shelves of the local grocery store or pharmacy will likely fail to treat head lice. The chemicals just do not work (see: super lice). In fact, most of these chemicals cause more harm in the long-run.
  • Socialization – Today’s children, despite the prevalence of gaming devices and television, tend to be more socially active. They form close relationships with their classmates and friend groups. With head lice being spread via head-to-head contact, such closeness often leads to the spread of an infestation quicker and more effectively than ever before.
  • Home Remedies – Like over-the-counter medications, many parents opt for home remedies to solve their head lice troubles, like hot air, olive oil, and coconut oil. Unfortunately, such “solutions” fail to resolve the itch and discomfort. Head lice may persist.

Professional Head Lice Treatment

The only surefire solution to properly treat head lice these days is via professional head lice treatment. By scheduling an appointment with a lice expert, you ensure that your children and family are free of head lice for the foreseeable future.

Often, professional lice treatment offices utilize safe, chemical-free products designed to relieve the symptoms of a head lice infestation and stop the spread of nits, without causing any more harm to the scalp. You won’t find the same level of care from over-the-counter medications, though.

Lice Lifters has designed a three-step lice treatment process that is guaranteed to resolve the issue altogether. We begin with a thorough head check. Then, we move to a professional comb-out. Lastly, we apply our non-toxic treatment solution to kill any lice and nits on the scalp.

Schedule a lice treatment appointment at our Frisco location today by calling 972-805-1308!

Do I Need to Shave My Head if I Have Lice?

Do you need to shave your head if you have head lice?
By Jesse Davis at Shutterstock

Head lice are certainly troublesome. For children who have never experienced head lice previously, the discomfort and potentially itchy scalp are often terrifying. The further thought that bugs might be on their head can also frighten young boys and girls. To make matters worse, many parents who may not have dealt with head lice as a parent before are unsure of how to react. Do you immediately rush to the doctor’s office? Do you shave the head completely bald? There has to be a trick, right? Well, let’s address the shaving “solution.”

To Shave or Not to Shave

Like many parents, you have likely considered shaving your child’s head once head lice are discovered as lice treatment. It is so tempting to grab the electric shaver and take a run at their scalp. Stop for a moment. Instead of shaving them bald and causing both confusion and embarrassment, truly think about the situation.

  • You cannot bring your child to a salon for a professional shave if they have head lice. It is a health code violation.
  • Shaving your child’s hair is upsetting, embarrassing, and may mean isolation for some children. Many kids feel attached to their locks and may not enjoy a buzz cut.
  • For girls, a shaved head remains a social taboo. It’s best to avoid ostracizing your daughter to rid their scalp of head lice.
  • Shaving the head is not a guaranteed fix. You may not rid the scalp of head lice. The bugs cling to the smallest piece of hair to acquire blood. If you shave the head, even with a razor that provides a close shave, there are still hair pieces to grab hold of.

Furthermore, hair can grow back relatively quickly on a child. The head lice will remain patient, feeding off blood from the scalp. These pests will wait for the hair to return to continue breeding and feeding like normal.

Head Lice Removal

Instead of shaving the scalp completely bald, the answer lies within the head lice themselves. You cannot remove the hair. You must remove the head lice.

So, how do you go about ridding the scalp of head lice? Well, by scheduling professional treatment. You see, over-the-counter lice medications – found in your local supermarket – fail to resolve your head lice trouble. Most head lice today are immune to the pesticides and other chemicals found in such concoctions. They only serve to cause more harm and skin irritation.

Instead, opt for professional lice removal. Using guaranteed methods, including a thorough head check and comb-out, followed by all-natural, non-toxic killing agents, head lice will be a thing of the past. Of course, the entire family may need to be treated, and a follow-up treatment is necessary. But it works!

Schedule professional head lice treatment in Dallas-Fort Worth with Lice Lifters Treatment Centers. Give us a call now at 972-805-1308 for a comprehensive lice treatment that contains zero chemicals or harmful techniques for your children!

Head Lice in Preschoolers: How to Deal With the Problem

Trust in all-natural head lice treatment for you preschooler!
By Jesse Davis at Shutterstock

Head lice are an incredibly common occurrence in the school system. Typically, school-aged children – usually preschoolers – experience head lice. The head lice infestation then spreads to the family at home. It’s a common misconception that only those with dirty hair will receive head lice, though. Anyone can get head lice. For a preschooler, being around so many other children and people each day puts them at greater risk. Though head lice are often little more than a nuisance, you likely want them gone as quickly as possible. It’s time to deal with the lice problem!

What Are Head Lice?

First and foremost, you need to understand what you’re dealing with. Head lice are miniscule bugs, around the size of a seed, and are typically pale and gray, though coloring may vary. Head lice feed on blood taken directly from the scalp and usually live for 1 to 2 days without eating.
To spread, head lice lay their eggs directly on the hair closest to the scalp itself. These eggs are known as nits and are oval and about the size of a thread knot (0.8 mm long and 0.3 mm wide) and often wide or yellow in color. Once the egg hatches, the nit, or eggshell, remains on the hair follicle.

Head Lice Life Cycle

Now, let’s discuss the life cycle of head lice on a preschooler.

  • Nit – An egg or nit will hatch in 6 to 9 days. They are often located within a few millimeters of the scalp and do not survive any further from a food source.
  • Nymph – The nymph is smaller than an adult louse and becomes an actual louse 7 days after hatching.
  • Louse – An adult head lice specimen is known as a louse. An adult louse can lay up to 10 eggs each day and requires 10 to 14 days to reach adulthood from the nit stage.

Head Lice Treatment

Your instinct will be to immediately rush to the nearest supermarket or drugstore for over-the-counter lice treatment medications. Fight that urge, though. These products contain numerous chemicals which may prove harmful to your children. Furthermore, most of today’s head lice have evolved to withstand such pesticides entirely.

Instead, trust in professional head lice treatment. Such a treatment plan will include a thorough head check, then a comprehensive comb-out, and finally the administering of non-toxic head lice treatment solutions. Overall, the appointment should not take long to complete. You’ll go home feeling fresh and clean, and without the pesky symptoms of head lice.

We urge parents to always call Lice Lifters for an all-natural head lice treatment. Our solution is guaranteed to kill head lice and prevent the further spread of a head lice infestation. Give us a call at 972-805-1308. We’ll set up a quick appointment for your children and yourself and rid your scalp of annoying head lice for good. One quick treatment. Done! Guaranteed.

Gross Facts You Didn’t Know About Head Lice

Schedule professional lice treatment in DFW with the best in the business!
By Andrey Popov of Shutterstock

When head lice present themselves, parents like yourself tend to panic. But who wouldn’t? The constant itch and discomfort, especially in children, can make us feel both uncomfortable and downright useless in fixing the situation with lice removal. You may think that a quick trip to the drugstore or supermarket could help resolve all your troubles. Well, that’s where you would be wrong. You see, today’s head lice are basically immune to over-the-counter products – not to mention the strong chemicals included in each bottle. Today’s head lice are stronger, faster, and more troublesome than ever. Arm yourself with knowledge – here are a few other gross facts about head lice and lice treatment!

Lice Don’t Infect Everything

Well, that doesn’t seem so gross, right? They will not actually infect everything. But it depends on your outlook, really. Are you a neat freak? Do you need everything in your home to be completely clean, especially after a bug infestation of any kind? Please understand that head lice will not live in your furniture, for instance, yet many homeowners will wish to wash everything. You don’t need to do that, though.

However, washing your bedding, clothing, and headwear entirely makes sense. But vacuuming each room and bagging anything the infested person has ever touched? That’s completely unnecessary. Lice will only live about 24 hours away from the human scalp. Then, thankfully, they’ll die off.

Lice Are Ancient

Lice are not a relatively new species. In fact, they’ve been around as long as humankind. That’s gross all right, but head lice evolved alongside people. With our living changes and safety procedures, head lice have adapted their own routines, and even their biology. We mentioned earlier that today’s species of head lice are generally unfazed by over-the-counter medications. That’s quite true! Over the years, head lice have grown accustomed to the pesticides and other chemicals designed to kill them off. Now, they can withstand those treatments and ultimately thrive on the scalp for far longer, and you don’t want that.

Weird Facts

We detailed two primary facts that can make a significant difference to families and their comfort level to remove head lice. Now, we’d like to share a few weird facts that you may find interesting, or that might make your skin crawl a little with the thought. So without further ado:

  • Louse – The singular term for head lice is “louse.” It sounds odd because no one ever says it aloud.
  • Light – Typically, head lice do not enjoy the light. They will hide and crawl away quickly if a light is present, which is why they are so difficult to spot initially. Yes, they have a plan.
  • Camouflage – Nits (eggs) are able to camouflage themselves to match your hair color and pigment. This camouflage protects them from outside threats, so you’re unlikely to track them as easily.
  • Saliva – The itching caused by head lice is not from hair shifting or tiny legs crawling across your skin, but instead, it’s the saliva. Similar to a mosquito, the bite of a louse often causes an allergic reaction that leads to intense itching and discomfort.

Are you dealing with the constant itch of head lice? Contact Lice Lifters by calling 972-805-1308 for our Frisco location. We are the top provider of head lice treatment in DFW!

What to Do When Your Kid Comes Home from Camp with Lice

There are tons of great things your kids come home with after a summer camp: new skills, great memories, treasured photos, and maybe lifelong friends. However, when they go pick up their kid or kids from an adventure, there’s one huge problem that no parent wants to welcome: head lice, which is why many seek head lice removal.

Because children at camp sleep in close quarters and tend to share hair products, clothes, helmets, and other items, they’re at higher risk than usual of becoming infected with lice. These little bugs need direct contact to travel from head to head, and summer camps are often a great breeding ground for such activity.

When your child walks through the door and starts complaining about an itchy head, here are the first steps you need to take.

  1. Determine if the problem is actually related to lice. Use a magnifying glass and comb to thoroughly check your child’s head. Their discomfort could be caused by something other than lice (including dandruff or an allergic reaction), so don’t panic and assume they have parasites on their scalp – until you spot them.
  2. Schedule an emergency lice removal appointment. Sure, you could dash to the store and pick up some over-the-counter treatment products, but those are significantly less effective than using a service with professional tools and killing agents.
  3. Wash all bedding and clothing they took to camp. You don’t want to risk letting any lice survive, so it’s best to take precautions and wash everything – and wash it in hot water.
  4. Let other parents know about the lice. Most likely, your child caught the lice from a close friend at camp. Therefore, it’s a good idea to let fellow parents know about the lice infestation, so if necessary they can get their kids in for treatment too.

Not sure where to turn for professional lice treatment? Contact Lice Lifters Treatment Centers.

The process begins in our comfortable environment. Using a specialized micro-grooved comb, a skilled technician will carefully remove all lice and nits. Next we apply our all-natural killing agent. Because this treatment is free of toxic chemicals, even kids with tender scalp or chemical sensitivities can benefit!

Lice Lifters also provides an at-home follow-up treatment to ensure that all lice are eradicated for good. Again, the solution is non-toxic and safe. Forget messing around with drugstore products – go straight to the removal source that actually works. One Quick Treatment. Done! Guaranteed.

To schedule an emergency removal appointment or consult with a lice technician, call Lice Lifters Treatment Centers today at 972-805-1308(Frisco).

Understanding the Life Cycle of a Head Louse

When people talk about a lice outbreak at school, there are many unanswered questions that start to circulate. For instance, what exactly do lice do? How long do they live? Can they leap from head to head?

To help combat misinformation and prepare parents for lice outbreaks, we’re going to talk about the life cycle of your average head louse, and how that affects people involved in outbreaks, making people have to search for lice treatment.

Stage 1: The Egg (or Nit)

This is the stage people seem to know the least about. Head lice begin as small eggs that are often quite difficult to spot. They become cemented on the scalp at the base of hairs, then take about a week to hatch. Because these little eggs are nestled so closely to the skin on a person’s scalp, they can be challenging to completely remove. That’s why a thorough comb-out is such a vital part of the lice removal process.

Stage 2: The Nymph

No, these nymphs aren’t mythical water spirits! A nymph is essentially the newly-hatched, immature version of an adult louse. When lice hatch, they emerge from their shells as nymphs – about the size of the head of a pin. As baby lice, they must still feed on blood. It will take roughly another week for them to achieve their full size and abilities.

Stage 3: The Adult

After two weeks of growing on a person’s head, lice become full-fledged adults. This means they are about the size of a small seed, like a sesame seed. They have six legs and light brown or gray-colored exteriors – and a hunger for human blood. They begin moving around the human head, laying more eggs and feeding on the scalp. This is what causes the itchy feeling, and is usually the first indication that a person has lice.

Even when lice become adults, they can only travel from head to head via direct contact. That means there is no leaping or flying involved. Furthermore, they only live for about a month, depending on how much direct access they have to blood.

Lice can be removed from a person’s head during any of these stages, so as soon as the first sign of an infestation is noted, call in professional aid immediately. Lice Lifters Treatment Centers employs an all-natural killing agent that’s free of toxic chemicals, and is extremely effective. The centers also give you an at-home follow-up treatment that ensures the lice are eradicated.

When you experience professional treatment from Lice Lifters, you can be confident that you’re eradicating the lice in the most effective and safest way. One Quick Treatment. Done! Guaranteed. To schedule an emergency removal appointment or speak with a lice technician, call Lice Lifters Treatment Centers today at 972-805-1308 (Frisco).

Here’s What You Can Expect from a Professional Lice Removal Treatment

When your little one comes home with lice, you want immediate, effective treatment. The question is, what does that treatment look like?

Here are the steps a professional lice removal service like Lice Lifters Treatment Centers will take in order to eradicate the lice and nits for good. These steps are straightforward yet incredibly effective in comparison to DIY treatments and various drugstore products.

Step 1: A Serious Head Check

First and foremost, the technician will need to examine each and every section of hair on the infested person’s head and scalp. If any lice or nits are located, then the technician knows what the next step must be.

Step 2: An Extensive Comb-Out

You cannot use just any comb to complete this step. Experienced technicians will use a specially designed micro-grooved comb to meticulously remove each and every nit clinging to the person’s hair and scalp. This can take an hour or more, but an experienced technician will be much more efficient than a worried, desperate parent going it alone at home.

Step 3: The Killing Agent

This is one of the most important components of treatment. Also note that it is Step 3, and not the first step! Lice Lifters Treatment Centers employs an all-natural killing agent that’s free of toxic chemicals and worrisome ingredients, so you can feel good about using it on your child’s head. By the time the treatment is finished, all lice should be completely dead.

The center will also give you an at-home follow-up treatment that ensures beyond a doubt that you’ll stop dealing with lice in your home. When you experience professional treatment from Lice Lifters, you can be confident that you’re eradicating the lice in the most effective and safest way. One Quick Treatment. Done! Guaranteed.

To schedule an emergency removal appointment or speak to a lice technician, call Lice Lifters Treatment Centers today at 972-805-1308 (Frisco).

How to Remove Head Lice Properly

The exact number of head lice infestations per year is hard to track. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates around 6 to 12 million cases each year in the country. Most of these cases are among children ages 3 to 11, give or take. These are schoolchildren who share their hair products, including hats, scarfs, and combs. It only takes one misstep to spread head lice through an entire school district. Once you receive that letter, it’s time to act. Here’s how to remove head lice properly.

Know the Facts

Head lice can only crawl; they cannot fly, jump, or hop their way to their next victim. Typically, lice will only survive outside of the head for 24 hours. Furthermore, head lice infestations spread via direct head-to-head contact. You’re more likely to receive head lice from a friend or family member rather than a stranger who came into close contact.

Everyday situations that often lead to lice transfer include:

  • School
  • Sitting in close proximity on public transportation or the couch
  • Sleeping in the same bed
  • Sharing combs, brushes, towels, and other hair products

How to Remove Head Lice

First and foremost, do not rush to the drugstore for a chemical treatment product. These “solutions” are typically harmful and do not help head lice. Instead, they cause adverse side effects, such as rashes. You will want an all-natural treatment, without any insecticides included.

The key to success is a 3-step method: an extensive head check, followed by a thorough comb-out, then the application of an all-natural lice killing agent. When combined, all three steps work in tandem to kill head lice and prevent further spread.

Contact Us

To schedule an all-natural lice treatment at one of our DFW locations, contact Lice Lifters Treatment Centers by calling 972-805-1308 (Frisco) today.

Lice Lifters Treatment Centers — Combing-out the entire DFW Metroplex one NIT at a Time! One Quick Treatment. Done! Guaranteed.